I've decided lately that I need to start documenting my life more, in photos, in this blog, in sketches, everything. Since Bettina moved to Baton Rouge to expand her photography experiences, I've noticed a pretty much complete drop in the recording of my life and my friends' lives. So I am going to take it into my own hands and start leaving things for me to read or find when I am old. This past weekend my family and I went to San Diego for three days to give my mother the much deserved vacation she's been craving for and to celebrate my sister's 26th birthday. It was a lovely trip, we ate our way through the city, eating so much fish that it caused Amanda to throw it all up on the last night of our vacation. I however, seem to be getting better with holding large quantities of food in my belly, so I had no problems.

We ate many, many fish tacos, drank a few margarita's, sat on the beach, drank coffee and went to Fish House Vera Cruz in Carlsbad two nights in a row because we just couldn't help ourselves. We tried to sneak in unnoticed the second night but the hostess recognized us. Drat. Our cover was blown. But for Butterfish, it was worth it. Anyway, here are some photos of the trip.