So i am now out of school until july, woo! The end of the semester was crazy busy and i needed some vacation time so i got lucky and just spent the last two weeks in beautiful San Diego, California. I went for a week with a bunch of my friends and lazed around, ate hawaiian food, cookies and sunblock. Although the sunblock didn't protect much being that i got a rather bad sunburn all over my body, but a good tan too :) It was wonderful hanging out with everyone and being able to relax and not have a care in the world. Thanks to everyone who went, good times :)
I returned home only to leave a day later to go back to San Diego, but this time i went with my three sisters. It was fun and relaxing, we ate huge sandwiches from the Cheese Shop in La Jolla, which is one of my favorite restaurants, laid on the beach, went to Sea World and played with the dolphins in their handy D.I.P. program they have and then we were joined by miss Bettina and we had a couple late nights watching the enormous waves hit the caverns and rocks in La Jolla Proper, finding a cool new coffee place called the Living Room, which we thought was like a toned down version of the famous Yaffa Cafe in New York. We went surfing and hunted for calamari all across San Diego and then ate on the beach. It was lovely and extremely nice to get out of town for awhile and relax.
I am now back home in Phoenix and "loving" this 107 degree weather that greeted my return. I have the next two weeks off to do absolutely nothing but sleep, read, play with my ducks and remind myself that i am unemployed and need to find a job. Soon I will jet off to Hawaii for a week and relax some more there, then when i return i will buckle down and start my summer film class and hopefully earn some money for more plane tickets! I hope all of your first few weeks of summer have been as enjoyable as mine!
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