Friday, June 27, 2008

My dream come true

So I had one of my dreams come true yesterday. I have wanted to see a bamboo forest so badly, I never thought I would but we stumbled upon one in Hawaii!! Should have known there could be one here on Maui, but didn't think about it I guess. It was by far, one of the coolest things I have ever experienced! My dad and I wandered around through the labyrinth of passages in the thick forest. It was so peaceful, listening to the bamboo blowing in the breezes, knocking against each other so you can hear their hollow sounds all around you. It was incredible, and I finally found the thing that would make me come all the way back to Hawaii. I would like to spend more time in the bamboo forests, milling around the beautifully smooth green trunks of the trees and listening to the nearby waterfall. It was an experience I'll never forget, so gorgeous! I was so excited that I had finally gotten to see a real forest, I was beside myself with glee :) I felt like a little kid at Christmas, so excited about every little thing. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Best place to get coffee sweetened with pure cane juice in all of Maui. This little stand on wheels on the way to Hana. :D

This forest was so cool! There were little tiny pathways everywhere, it was crazy!

Best wind surfing in all of Hawaii
Trees that look like they were painted, but no, that's just the kind of trees they are!

Last night in Hawaii, beautiful sunset taken from the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a restaurant located at our hotel! Good dessert too :)

Some stashed outrigger canoes
For Bettina, thought you would like it :)

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